Modular price tags

Each element in your showcase helps to convey a message and helps to create your image in the eyes of the beholder. Sometimes a detail, even small and apparently insignificant such as price tags, is enough, which in jewelry must have smaller dimensions than those commonly used by food price tags.

This is why every single choice must be carefully evaluated and weighted, because it helps to create the image that the customer creates of your shop. No matter what kind of shop, from delicatessen to jewelry, the rules of paying attention to detail are always valid.

If the shop window is the stage, then the retail prices tags for personalized shops are among the main players. The price is in fact one of the first information that the potential customer looks for and the way you use to communicate it says a lot about you. Choose the most suitable one and match it to your Jewelry point of sale.

The of collection of price label is made by:

  • cheaper option of price tag label Snap
  • then the brighter price tags labels Snap lux to get to the luxurious
  • in shiny metal Snap metal
Price tags

Jewelry price tags Snap metal

Starting from

€ 127.00

cad. excluding VAT

Price holder

Starting from

€ 1.85

cad. excluding VAT

Price tags Snap

Starting from

€ 47.00

cad. excluding VAT

Price tags Snap lux

Starting from

€ 49.00

cad. excluding VAT