How to use the acrylic jewellery stand, 4 tips
Using acrylic jewellery stand well makes the difference!
The jewelry display you choose for your window is a very important sales tool because it represents the first point of contact with the customer, especially if it is a new contact who does not yet know you. It therefore becomes essential to present your products in the best possible way, paying attention to proposing different types and prices that can meet the interest of many different customers, including those looking for economic jewels for which acrylic jewelry displays are the perfect choice.
The economic jewelry displays are ideal for giving maximum prominence in the window to the simplest and most entry level products as fashion jewellery, but which often become the lever of entry into your shop if they are presented in an elegant way using economic and functional jewelry displays.
Remember choosing the right exhibitors can make the difference in whether or not to complete a sale!
How to make a perfect window
How then to build an attractive exposure that involves the customer? It is necessary to make some choices that lay the foundations for a good project:
1 - Jewelry to be exhibited in the window
First of all, you need to define which products you want to exhibit, which ones you want to highlight individually and which ones are the collections or areas of interest that require a special setting and perhaps displays for ad hoc jewelery.
2 - Shop window display theme
It is also advisable to choose a theme to propose that can be linked:
- on a national holiday, such as Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas, Valentine's Day
- to private events, such as a birth, a Baptism gift, First Communion or Confirmation, Wedding and everything that can inspire the purchase choices for these occasions, starting for example from the choice of the Baptism favor to be delivered in an elegant wedding bag
- you can also choose the theme according to the season, for example by setting up the windows with shapes and colors that recall the sea in summer
3 - Good lighting
Well-directed white spotlights without exceeding in quantity: this is the formula for obtaining correct lighting in the window that highlights the characteristics of every single jewel and watch on display.
4 - Choosing the right jewelry displays
Theca offers you the best of jewelry display cases to highlight the collections you want to propose and sell.
The bijoux displays must be proposed in such a way as to present not only the products but also to convey emotions and communicate the different ways in which they can be worn with the correct combinations of rings display, earrings display, necklace displays and necklace holders, without neglecting the display for bracelets which, especially in economic collections, often plays a leading role in sales proposals.
Economic jewels are characterized by bright colors and important volumes; here is therefore a good reason to use acrylic displays which, thanks to the clean shapes and transparency of the material, are ideal for highlighting the characteristics of your precious items.
Acrylic displays, maximum emphasis on your jewels
These clear acrylic jewellery display are the ideal supports to highlight the characteristics of your precious items. The simple and clean shapes and the transparency of the material minimize the impact of the acrylic support and give maximum prominence to your product.
The collection consists of different elements: acrylic earring display stands, rings display, display for small and large pendants and the practical acrylic bracelet display. They can be combined with the point of sale Acrylic collection.
Acrylic display, the perfect stand for your window
Acrylic necklace stand, invisible displays
The perfect window with images and prices
The exhibition is completed with a beautiful image showing the jewels worn, an impactful phrase and of course your logo. Your signature is also indispensable on the jewelry displays that can be printed on a beautiful plate also in transparent acrylic, perhaps with the name of the collection itself in order to make the identification of the product more immediate by the customer.
Last but not least, the acrylic plates are very important to let the customer know the price of the products on display and make him overcome the hesitation of crossing the threshold of an elegant and prestigious jewelry.
Acrylic plate with color printed logo
Clear acrylic plate with your logo printed in full color.
The logo can be printed with your corporate color, or be in theme with the collections you have chosen to display in your window.
You can also characterize your collections with a personalized plaque in the color that best suits the proposed theme.
Acrylic plate laser engraved logo
The clear acrylic plate with laser engraved logo is very elegant and more discreet.
Not only in your shop window but also on the sales counter it can make a good show by showing your logo to make it always present in your shop.
Acrylic tag holder
Indicating the price in the window can make the difference between the entrance of an undecided customer or not.
The acrylic plates with a customizable tag enclosed between two clear acrylic panels are useful for allowing you to update prices and focus attention on offers.
Not only the prices but also an image of the worn items can fascinate and convince a passing customer.
Acrylic led display
Focus the attention of your customers on the trendiest jewelry collections with the Acrylic led display, Jewelry shop windows are often crowded with beautiful products, but if you want to highlight the collections of the moment, the display with acrylic sheet led lighting helps you to capture the customer's attention. It is powered with low voltage, switching on, off and programming of the 6 lights are done through a convenient remote control included in the package.
What is plexiglass?
It is a lightweight, UV resistant material and is very versatile. It can be cut, welded, bent or sculpted into a variety of shapes and it is also possible to decorate it with different colors and effects.
There are two main types of plexiglass: acrylic and polymethacrylate (PMMA). Both are composed of acrylonitrile and butadiene monomers and are very similar in their chemical composition. However, there are some differences between the two types.
Acrylic Plexiglas is cheaper than the PMMA version and generally has higher impact resistance. PMMA is more expensive but more transparent and resistant to scratches. Both have antistatic properties and are resistant to chemical solvents.